i wish i would have documented all the before and afters of projects we have undertaken while living at jordan's parent's house, but alas, i am not so good at thinking ahead. we were hoping to take on a lot more, before their return home in a year, but since we will be moving in july, someone else will have to pick up where we have left off. we haven't done anything too major, but jordan and i did really want to make improvements to the house while we were there, as a thank you. mom and dad stutz are amazing people who have always put the needs and wants of others before their own-- and we think that they are more than deserving of an improved upon living space to come home to. seriously guys, i really do have the most amazing in-laws. anyway, here is one recent project i did document somewhat... some time ago, mom and dad re-did much of their upstairs, including putting laminate flooring throughout the living room and hallway. we thought it would look nice to finish it into the dining room, giving the appearance of more space. jordan and brother-in-law tim worked hard to take on the project and it was finished in under 9 hrs. way to go boys!
the old linoleum close up...

old flooring removed all the way down to the original flooring jordan remembers when they moved into this house twenty-something years ago...

new sub-flooring, being thoroughly tested by the girls for durability...

and finally, the finished product!

looks awesome, right? i have to say it sure is handy to have a handy husband--plus he looks really cute whenever he does something manly:)