Thursday, May 29, 2008

Early Pregnancy...

Okay so I just have a few things to say about early pregnancy (in hopes that things will get better in the future)... it is such strange experience. Like, I'm really not myself these days. For instance, the only foods I ever crave (which is a rare occurrence these days anyway) is something nasty that I wouldn't dream of eating otherwise. I have been known to have hankerings for taco bell mexican pizzas and top ramen of all things! It's insane. Why am I never in the mood for something delicious and nutritionally dense? Cafe Rio--why not you? Another strange thing is the extreme sensitivity of my senses. Never have lights seemed so bright, voices seemed so loud, burnt food smelled so strong-- it's crazy. The worst part is my aversion to Jordan. My poor husband who slaves away waiting on me absolutely revolts me these days... it is so sad:(. It's mostly his smell (which is strange because that's usually something I love most about him)... he will want to come give me a hug or something, but it won't last for 3 seconds before I have to tell him to go away because I might be sick.  Pregnancy has definitely rocked our worlds, but we know that in a strange way, this is preparing us for things to come.  We know that having a child will change things--a lot! So, although it's hard, we are grateful for the lessons Heavenly Father has taught us during this time.  


Raquel Ruggles said...

This sounds so crazy, but Marc's nose "breath" smelled terrible to me. At first I thought it was his breath, so I asked him to close his mouth and breathe through his nose... it was his nose. I had super smell too. Oh the joys of pregnancy!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I hated all smells. I can't stand it if Craig wears cologne. Pregnancy is strange. Speaking of which, craving taco bell isn't so bad. I've craved dirt on all three pregnancies. Yeah, dirt, and really bad too. It has something to do with iron deficiancies. Which stinks because there's nothing you can do about it, unless you want to eat dirt, which I didn't. I took iron suppliments but that didn't help one bit. Isn't pregnancy fun?

Kaisa Bailey said...

Every deoderant Scott wore was REPULSIVE. After I had Lakai I wasn't AS sensitive to it, but it was still there the next 2 pregnancies. There is light at the end of the tunnel, I promise. My favorite things while pregnant were chocolate milk and waffles w/ whipped cream and strawberries. No wonder I gained __ Lbs. (:

Darla said...

Yay!!! Pregnant Maci?? I didn't know! I haven't checked your blog in a while because you hadn't updated it in FOREVER (:. Congrats. I love the whole stinky husband thing. oNe time, when I was pregnant with Cole, Geof. came home and got in bed with me and started talking and I told him he had to stop because his voice made me want to vomit all over. Our poor husbands. Geof. is just NOW starting to understand. Hey, why doesn't Linds have a blog??

cameron said...


Naomi said...

I sorry you have been sick! I got sick when I would get near my husband too! It's not only you. I always felt horrible. I hope your sickness doesn't last too long. Check out our blog

Kiersten said...

Maci--so I found your blog through Heidi's--is it okay if I look around? I hope so, because I already did... Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that Jordan makes you sick. That's so sad and just a little bit funny. Oh, and your wedding picture is beautiful!

Chrissie Brown said...

Poor, sweet, Jordan. Don't you hate that, because you feel like you're offending them, but it's not like you're doing it on purpose or even have any control over it for that matter. So, Mace, when do you find out what the little one is? Linds and I are pulling for a boy of course. :) Although little girls are irresitable.

Darla said...

in response to your post on MY blog...., ya know? I don't really have the time to blog. I pretty much only have time for MY blog and nothing else..., but of course that never happens. I'll call her.