avery wearing my rain boots...
fun new bath toys from grandma and grandpa:)
you might think me weird, but have you ever just wanted to eat your little ones all up? sometimes my girls are just so stinkin' cute and delicious-looking, that all i can think about is getting a good nibble. lucky for me, they generally don't mind if i steal a kiss, or a squeeze from their very pinch-able cheeks and thighs. and it's a good thing too, because they sure endure a lot of it with me as their mom:) anyway, here are a few things the kiddos have been doing lately to enhance their cuteness...
-- recently they found grandpa's cane in the house and we taught them how to do the can-can to the tune of 'new york, new york' while holding the cane in both hands. it is pretty darn cute!
-- they also love to jump off of anything. lately their favorite has been the fireplace, which i am fine with because it is within a safe distance from the floor. they best part is they usually shout something out before the big leap like "look!" or "watch this mama!". the best one i have heard lately is "i'm watching!"-- as that is usually what i say in response their getting my attention:)
-- one of my favorite things to observe is when they echo me and try mothering each other. for instance if i say something like "please eat your dinner tilly" avery will persist with "eat dinner, kay tills?" in the cutest, squeaky voice, like she is talking to a baby. oh, i love em!
-- another thing they have been doing lately is spilling their drinks only to ask for something to wipe it up. i admit, the spilling is not so cute most of the time, but i can't help but smile when i hear "need a wipe, please?"
-- perhaps one of my favorite hours with my girls is the hour right before dinner. i used to dread this hour--it's not easy trying to accomplish something in a kitchen with two two-year-olds under foot. but when i had the idea to include them in on the cooking, it made a huge difference! the look of pride on their chubby little faces when they pour a cup of rice in the cooker, or help mix a batter is priceless. they just stand on chairs near the counter and look on when something is too hot or dangerous. i love my little helpers. they are at such a fun age.
-- we also do music makers (kind of a musical joy school) at my sister's every tuesday, and i just love seeing them in that setting; learning new songs with motions, putting the puppets away when it's time, and marching with instruments. however, my absolute favorite part of music makers is when they do a spotlight song. this is when one child from the group stands in front of everyone and sings a solo. oh how i love to watch my girls sing snowman, wiseman, abc's, twinkle, and the like with a gooney grin from all the attention. they always do so well. i think they may grow up to be singers:)
-- before we left for our vacation to california, the girls talked about "sitting on the potty" non-stop. since we have come home, there has been little progress on that front, but we'll get there. i really don't want to rush anything only to regress because they weren't really ready. however, it is still really funny to watch them run for the potty now and again, as if they know what they are doing.
that's all i will write about my delicious children for now, but don't worry, there will be more. and have i mentioned lately how wonderful my husband is? cause he is. i will blog about his awesome birthday party soon!
I don't think you're weird at all. I'm always trying to eat up my little Noah! Your girls are ADORABLE Maci.
love them...i think i need a post of them singing ;)
James is really Nana - thanks for signing out Eric...
They sound like so much fun! I bet it's great having two kids who play together. It makes things twice the fun I'm sure. I would love to see a video of them doing the can-can!
Including kids in what your doing is definitely easier. Tends to go slower, but definitely easier.
*you're. Ugh.
Your girls are so cute! We were sad we didn't get to see you guys while we were in Utah, but we so appreciated your sister for letting us borrow her house!
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